First Unmercenary Healers

As far as is known, the first of the Unmercenary Healers were women.
They gave of their medical training and abilities for free, serving in the name of the Lord (in the tradition of the Lord Himself and the Apostles).

These three women Saints are also known as the Founders of modern medicine.


1. Hermione the Prophetess,
Daughter of St. Philip the Deacon (Acts 21:9)
-more detailed account of her actual healing ministry
-As a model for our lives
-Synaxarion for St. Hermione

2. Philonella of Tarsus, cousin of the Apostle Paul and St. Jason
3. Zenaida of Tarsus, cousin of the Apostle Paul and St. Jason
-more detailed account of these two sisters and their healing ministry