Harlots who Repented

All sin and fall short of the glory of God and some Saints were indeed very 'great' sinners before starting a life of Repentance. After they fell: they rose, making a complete "about-face" and starting towards the Lord, with His help.
These Saints seem to more clearly show us the way of repentance.

  1. Aglaida (Aglaia/Aglae) of Rome
  2. Eudokia (Evdoxia) of Heliopolis, Nun-Martyr 
  3. Mary of Egypt (most well known) 
  4. Pansemnas (Pansemne) of Antioch, with St. Theophanes
  5. Pelagia the Penitent
  6. Phoitina, in the life of St. Martinian 
  7. Theodora of Alexandria (& this, and this)  *not to be confused w/ the Virgin-Martyr of the same name. 
  8. Thais of Egypt
  9. Theodora the Empress 
  10. Zoia (Zoe), in the life of St. Martinian
Additional (Saints who help those struggling with lust or abuse):
  1. An non-glorified woman (though possibly a Saint), Olga Michael of Alaska, is known for aiding those who suffered abuse, particularly victims of sexual abuse. 
  2. Though she did not sin in this particular way, St. Thomais is known as a special intercessor for those who struggle with lust. (In her life, she was martyred by her lustful father-in-law).