These Saints seem to more clearly show us the way of repentance.
- Aglaida (Aglaia/Aglae) of Rome
- Eudokia (Evdoxia) of Heliopolis, Nun-Martyr
- Mary of Egypt (most well known)
- Pansemnas (Pansemne) of Antioch, with St. Theophanes
- Pelagia the Penitent
- Phoitina, in the life of St. Martinian
- Theodora of Alexandria (& this, and this) *not to be confused w/ the Virgin-Martyr of the same name.
- Thais of Egypt
- Theodora the Empress
- Zoia (Zoe), in the life of St. Martinian
Additional (Saints who help those struggling with lust or abuse):
- An non-glorified woman (though possibly a Saint), Olga Michael of Alaska, is known for aiding those who suffered abuse, particularly victims of sexual abuse.
- Though she did not sin in this particular way, St. Thomais is known as a special intercessor for those who struggle with lust. (In her life, she was martyred by her lustful father-in-law).