Old Testament
The lives of these holy women can be read in the Orthodox Study Bible, and are not replicated in full on this webpage.
Note: Old Testament Saints are usually in the category of Saints called "Righteous" (ex: Righteous St. Hannah). After death, they dwelt in waiting in the Bosom of Abraham. When Christ descended to hades, he raised the Righteous with Him to Paradise.For the women who were direct ancestors of God incarnate or are prophetesses, etc, these are commemorated as the Holy Foremothers. Their Feastday is held during the Nativity Fast, on a Sunday between the 11-17th of December (with the Holy Forefathers). Many also have their separate Feastday (or Feastdays).
- Abigail, the wife of King David.
- Anna, mother of the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
- Anna, the Prophetess
- Deborah, (Debra) Prophetess and Judge of Israel
- Elizabeth, mother of St. John the Forerunner and Baptist
- Esther, Queen of Persia
- Eve, the first woman
- Hannah the Prophetess, and mother of the Prophet Samuel
- Huldah [Olda] the Prophetess
- Judith, widow and Defender of her people
- Leah, wife of Jacob
- Miriam the Prophetess, sister of St. Moses
- Naomi, Mother in law to Ruth
- Rachel the wife of Jacob, died after giving birth to Benjamin.
- Rahab the harlot, who saved the Israelite spies (mentioned in the readings for the Holy Ancestors of Christ)
- Rebecca, wife of Isaac
- Ruth, grandmother of King David
- Sarah, wife of Abraham (mother of Isaac)
- Solomonia the Martyr, mother of the 7 Maccabee Martyrs
- Susanna, the Righteous (in the book of Daniel)
Additional Women mentioned in the OT, but I'm not sure if they're recognized as Saints:
(If anyone knows anything about them, or any additional women, let me know!)
- Asenath the Egyptian, wife of St. Joseph (mentioned in the Sacrament of Marriage).
- Zipporah, wife of St. Moses