St. Mary Magdalene
1) St. Mary Magdalene resource page.
This page includes articles on her life, her bold missionary journeys, her extraordinary relics (those recognized as legitimate), and responses to the modern day mis-portrayal of this wonderful Saint.
2) The Convent of St. Mary Magdalene on the Mount of Olives, in the Holy Land (Russian)
An article on the Monastery (English).
The narrative also explained: in the Gospel (a little after the Lord has cured a demon-possessed man), a woman cries out in the crowd, "Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts which nursed You!" These words are said to be attributed to St. Mary Magdalene, from whom the Lord had once cast out seven demons.
She is also not to be confused with St. Mary of Bethany, the sister of Sts. Martha and Lazarus (who is also a different person from both the sinful woman and St. Mary).
*This is why ancient Iconography does not portray St. Mary Magdalene bare-headed or with long locks of hair showing, but as covered (whether alone or meeting the Lord on Pascha). As she was a most-righteous virgin, one of the holiest in all of Israel; devoted above all to Christ.