Sts. Febronia and Peter, Wonderworkers

Sts. Febronia and Peter are good examples of a loving marriage and dedication to God. Though their lives have been taken into Russian Literature and imaginatively elaborated on*, their actual Saint's Lives are still very inspiring and beautiful. They are known as the Protectors of Marriage.

Lives of Sts. Peter and Febronia 

Akathist to Sts. Peter and Febronia

  1. A New Commemoration day 
  2. Sts. Peter and Febronia: A Priest's Letter to His Flock 
  3. Peter and Febronia Day 
  4. Dates of Commemoration 
  5. Celebration of their Feast, with Prayers
  6. A homily (video) on Sts. Peter and Febronia and relationships