Charitable and Merciful

These women are known greatly for their godly love, manifested in charitable works of feeding the poor, clothing the naked, serving the sick, and much more.
Most Saints fit into this category, however: this page is for Saints that specifically sought to do these works out of love for Christ and might be more widely known for these charitable acts and mercy. (See also Physicians, Nurses and Healers)

  1. Anastasia, Great Martyr 
  2. Elizabeth, the New Martyr 
  3. Juliana of Lazarevo 
  4. Kali the Philanthropist
  5. Maria, of Paris and Ravensbruk
  6. Patience (Ipomoni) the nun 
  7. Paula, at Byzantium 
  8. Philothei of Athens
  9. Placilla the Empress
  10. Sophia of Thrace 
  11. Tabitha, the Widow
  12. Tatiana Grimblit, New Martyr 
Additional (women who are not yet glorified,
or I'm unsure if they've already been):
  1. Matrona Naumovna: A Heart for the Poor
  2. Olga Michael of Alaska