Holy Royals

God can call anyone from any station: rich or poor, young or old. Most Saints were everyday people, who became who they were called to be in Christ. However, these Holy Royals were--by the world's standards--not everyday people, but were called from very regarded stations of society (whether royalty or noblewomen).

In their calling, some used their positions to end bloodshed and quarreling, some to locate and save precious relics, some dedicated their wealth and time to charitable acts, while others decided to renounce both wealth and position to live a life of poverty and being known only to God (usually in Monasticism). Many were also Martyrs.

Saints (Empresses):
  1. Alexandra the Empress, Wife of Diocletian, Martyr
  2. Alexandra, Russian Empress, nurse, Royal Passionbearer
  3. Augusta, Empress and Martyr 
  4. Helen, Empress, Equal to the Apostles
  5. Nana, Empress of Georgia, Equal to the Apostles 
  6. Theodora of Arta 
  7. Theodora the Empress, wife of emperor Theophilus
  8. Theodora the Empress, wife of St. Justinian
  9. Theophano, blessed Empress
  10. Placilla the Empress
  11. Pulcheria, the Right-Believing, Empress 
Saints (Queens):
  1. Dinar of Georgia 
  2. Gaatha the Queen of Crimea, Martyr 
  3. Ketevan, Queen of Georgia
  4. Susanna (Shushanik), Queen of Georgia 
  5. Tamara, 'King' of Georgia
Saints (Princesses and Grand Duchesses):
  1. Anastasia, Grand Duchess and Royal Passionbearer
  2. Angelina of Serbia 
  3. Anna of Novgorod 
  4. Anna Vsevolodvna
  5. Artemia of Rome 
  6. Charitina of Lithuania 
  7. Drosis, daughter of Emperor Trajan 
  8. Duclida Princess in Crimea, Martyr 
  9. Elizabeth the New Martyr, Granduchess, and Nun
  10. Euphrosyne (Eudocia) of Moscow 
  11. Euphrosyne of Polotsk, Patron of Belarus 
  12. Juliana of Olshansk 
  13. Juliana of Vyazma
  14. Ludmilla, Princess of Bohemia (the Czech land)
  15. Maria, Grand Duchess and Royal Passionbearer
  16. Olga, Grand Duchess, nurse, Royal Passionbearer
  17. Olga of Kiev, Equal to the Apostles 
  18. Tatiana, Grand Duchess, nurse, Royal Passionbearer
Saints (other noblewomen):
  1. Claudia of Rome, Martyr
  2. Claudia (Procla), wife of Pontius Pilate the Governor
  3. Tatiana of Rome, Martyr