Children and Youths

These are some of the female Saints who attained the Kingdom of Heaven at young ages: ranging from nearly babes to small children (toddlers) to youths of the age of 18.
Most were martyrs, but not all. Those martyred were often innocently vocal about their love for the Lord, or boldly defended the Faith. Some endured many torments. Though young, they often put us to shame by their devotion and example. The Lord Himself held children up as examples for us.

Saints (Individual Saints):
  1. Agatha, Martyr 
  2. Anastasia, Grand duchess of Russia, Passionbearer
  3. Aquilina the New Martyr
  4. Aquilina of Syria
  5. Eleni, (who was also called Susanna), New Martyr 
  6. Evfimia, New Martyr of China (#5, Individual Saints) 
  7. Fausta, Virgin Martyr 
  8. Irene the New Martyr
  9. Lollia of Ancyra, Martyr
  10. Maria Zhang, New Martyr (#11, Individual Saints) 
  11. Marina (Margaret), Great Martyr of Antioch
  12. Mavra (see Matrona Lian), Chinese New Martyr 
  13. Musa of Rome
  14. Muza (Muse), New Martyr of China (#8, Groups of Saints)
  15. Philothea of Romania
  16. Rais of Egypt, Martyr
  17. Theodosia of Tyre, Martyr 
  18. Vasilissa of Nicomedia, Martyr
Saints (Groups of Saints):
  1. Anania and Pelagia, New Martyrs of China (#2, Groups of Saints) 
  2. Anna, Athanasia, Evpraksiya, Natria, New Martyrs (#13, Groups of Saints)
  3. Elena, Eudoxia, and Maria, Albazinian New Martyrs (#15, Groups of Saints)
  4. Faith, Hope, and Love (Pistis, Elpis, Agapi)  
  5. Ia, Irina, Maria, and Olga , New Martyrs of China  (#3, Groups of Saints) 
  6. Iuliania and Lukia, New Martyrs of China (#12, Groups of Saints)
  7. Theodoti, Theoktisti, Evdoxia, sisters & Martyrs