St. Helen, Equal to the Apostles

Life of St. Helen
(May 21)

Additional Feastdays associated with St. Helen:
  1. Uncovering of the Precious Cross and Nails of our Lord, by Empress St. Helen 
  2. Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross of Our Lord

St. Helen diligently sought to build Churches over the holy places of our Lord's earthly life. Often these places had been desecrated (for instance, the places of His crucifixion and burial had had a pagan temple built over them: this she tore down) and she sought to restore the holy places to the Christian people. (She also sought to restore holy relics).
St. Helen is said to have built (or contributed to) at least 80 Churches during her lifetime. 

Several of the Churches/Monasteries founded by St. Helen, 
or that she contributed to: 
  1. Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (built over Golgotha and the Lord's Tomb)
  2. Church of the Nativity of Christ, in Bethlehem (Wikipedia article) 
  3. Church on the Mount of Olives (Eleona), the Lord's Ascension (this was later destroyed by the Persians)
  4. Chapel of the Burning Bush, Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai 
  5. Stavrovouni Monastery (Wikipedia article) Orthodox source here 
  6. "St. Nicholas of the Cats"
Besides for these acts of love & service, St. Helen was also very generous to the poor and sick. With her new authority as the Emperor's mother: she freed people from oppression, harsh treatments, exiles, and prisons. She provided food for the needy (at times even serving them herself). She clothed the naked & looked after the care of the veterans and poor. She gave in service of the Lord, from her stewardship. Even as an elderly woman, she was fervent and labored much.

It should be noted: though there is a tale in Britain of St. Helen being the daughter of "Old King Cole," this is of medieval (& catholic) origin. The early tradition and the well-kept one is that she was a Greek of humble birth, born in Drepana (now part of Turkey). This is also the tradition kept in the records of her life. Her humble birth is also one of the reasons why Constantius left her for a wife of nobler origins (the Emperor's daughter) when he became favored.
  1. Holy Cross Resource Page
  2. St. Constantine (her son) Resource Page
  3. St. Helena and the Cats of Cyprus