Those Who Taught

God showed many women to be teachers of the Faith, whether by word or by example. The foremost of these is the Theotokos, while Apostolic Saints, Holy Mothers, and Monastics also did a great deal.

However, there are also other Saints known especially for their learning and education, or for their teaching abilities.

  1. Ia the Teacher, New Martyr of China (#7, Individual saints)
  2. Katherine, Greatmartyr of Alexandria
  3. Kiera [Kira Obolensky] Obolenskaya, a tutor, New Martyr (21st in list)
  4. Macrina the Nun, "The Teacher"
  5. Marina Xu, Teacher, New Martyr of China (#10, Individual Saints)
In certain slavic countries, the Feastday of St. Tatiana of Rome (Martyr), is regarded as "Student's Day"