Women of this Site
*Please note that some of these women may not be glorified Saints (please check the information listed about them).
Some are Saints, others may not be glorified, some are currently being considered for glorification, while for others (when researching them): it might not have been clear whether they have been glorified (or even considered for glorification).
Saints, and other women:
- Abigail (Old Testament Saints)
- Agape/Agapi [Love, Lyubov] (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Agatha (Children and Youths)
- Aglaida [Aglaia, Aglae] (Harlots Who Repented)
- Alexandra, Empress (Holy Royals)
- Alexandra Romanov (Physicians; Holy Royals; Married Saints)
- Alexandra of China (Children and Youths)
- Alypia (Fools-For-Christ; Possibly Saints)
- Anania (Children and Youths)
- Anastasia (Fools-For-Christ)
- Anastasia the Great Martyr (Charitable and Merciful; Martyrs; Physicians)
- Angelina of Serbia (Holy Mothers; Holy Royals)
- Anna, Holy Foremother (Old Testament Saints)
- Anna of Constantinople (Saints Disguised)
- Anna of Novgorod and Sweden (Holy Royals)
- Anna the Prophetess (Old Testament Saints)
- Anna the Albazinian (Children and Youths)
- Anna V. (Holy Royals)
- Anthousa (Holy Mothers)
- Anysia (Martyrs, Greatmartyrs, New-Martyrs
- Apollinaria (Saints Disguised)
- Apphia (Apostolic Women; Married Saints)
- Aquilina (Children and Youths)
- Aquilina of Syria (Children and Youths)
- Artemia (Holy Royals)
- Artemia of China (Children and Youths)
- Asenatha of Goritsky (Fools-For-Christ)
- Athanasia (Venerable Monastics)
- Athanasia of Egypt (Saints Disguised; Married Saints)
- Athanasia the Albazinian (Children and Youths)
- Augusta the Empress (Holy Royals)
- Augusta the Schema-Nun (Martyrs, Greatmartyrs, New-Martyrs)
- Calliope (Martyrs, Greatmartyrs, New-Martyrs)
- Callista [Kallista] (Martyrs, Greatmartyrs, New-Martyrs)
- Cassia [Cassiane, Kassiani, Kassia] (Defenders Against Heresy)
- Catherine [Katherine] (Martyrs, Greatmartyrs, New-Martyrs)
- Catherine Arsky (Martyrs, Greatmaryrs, New-Martyrs)
- Cecilia [Cecille] (Married Saints)
- Charitina (Holy Royals)
- Chloe (Apostolic Women)
- Christina (Martyrs, Greatmartyrs, New-Martyrs)
- Christina of Tyre (Martyrs, Greatmartyrs, New-Martyrs)
- Claudia of Rome (Holy Royals)
- Claudia [Procla] (Holy Royals)
- Cleopatra (Holy Mothers)
- Elena [Eleni, Helen, Helena] (Apostolic Women; Holy Royals)
- Elena (Children and Youths)
- Eleni [Susanna] (Children and Youths)
- Elesa (Possibly Saints)
- Elizabeth (Old Testament Saints)
- Elizabeth the New Martyr (Charitable and Merciful; Martyrs; Physicians; Holy Royals)
- Elizabeth the Wonderworker (Venerable Monastics)
- Elpis [Hope, Nadezhda] (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Emilia [Emily] (Holy Mothers; Venerable Monastics; Married Saints)
- Episteme (Married Saints)
- Esther (Old Testament Saints)
- Eubola (Holy Mothers)
- Eudocia (Fools-For-Christ)
- Eudocia [Euphrosyne] (Holy Royals)
- Eudoxia [Eudokia, Evdokia] (Harlots Who Repented)
- Eudoxia (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Eugenia (Saints Disguised)
- Eunice [Evniki, Euniki] (Children and Youths)
- Euphemia (Defenders Against Heresy; Martyrs, Greatmartyrs, New-Martyrs)
- Euphrosyne [Eudocia] (Holy Royals)
- Euphrosyne of Polotsk (Holy Royals)
- Euphrosynia (Fools-For-Christ)
- Euphrosynia (Saints Disguised)
- Eupraxia (Holy Mothers; Venerable Monastics)
- Eupraxia of Pskov (Venerable Monastics)
- Eustolia (Venerable Monastics)
- Evanthia (Holy Mothers)
- Evdoxia (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Eve [Eva] (Old Testament Saints)
- Ever-Virgin Mary, Theotokos and
- Evpraksiya [Evpraxia] (Children and Youths)
- Hannah (Old Testament Saints)
- Helen [Helena, Eleni, Elena] (Apostolic Women; Holy Mothers; Holy Royals)
- Hermione (Physicians, Nurses, Healers)
- Hilaria (Martyrs)
- Hope [Nadezhda, Elpis] (Group: Children and Youths)
- Hope of China (Group: Children and Youths)
- Huldah [Olda] the Prophetess (Old Testament Saints)
- Hypomone [Ipomoni, Patience] (Venerable Monastics; Charitable; Married Saints)
- Ia of China (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Ia the Teacher (Those Who Taught)
- Ipomoni [Patience, Hypomone] (Venerable Monastics; Charitable; Married Saints)
- Iraida [Irais, Herais, Rais, Rhais] (Children and Youths)
- Irene Chrysovalantou (Venerable Monastics)
- Irene the New-Martyr (Children and Youths)
- Irina (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Isidora (Fools-For-Christ)
- Iuliana [Juliana] (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Jerusalem (Holy Mothers)
- Joanna (Apostolic Women: Holy Myrrhbearers)
- Judith (Old Testament Saints)
- Julia of Corsica (Martyrs)
- Juliana of Lazarevo (Charitable and Merciful; Physicians)
- Juliana of Olshansk (Holy Royals)
- Juliana [Iuliana] of China (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Juliana of Vyazma (Holy Royals)
- Julitta (Holy Mothers)
- Junia (Apostolic Women)
- Kali the Philanthropist (Charitable and Merciful)
- Kallista (Martyrs)
- Kassiani [Cassia, Cassiane, Kassia] (Defenders Against Heresy)
- Katherine [Catherine] (Those Who Taught; Martyrs)
- Keira (Martyrs)
- Ketevan (Martyrs; Holy Royals)
- Kyra (Venerable Monastics)
- Kyranna [Kyranni] (Martyrs, Greatmartyrs, New-Martyrs)
- Leah (Old Testament Saints)
- Leonilla (Holy Mothers)
- Lollia (Children and Youths)
- Love [Lyubov, Agape/Agapi] (Children and Youths)
- Ludmilla (Holy Mothers)
- Lukia (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Lydia (Married Saints)
- Lydia of Philippi (Apostolic Women)
- Lydia the New Martyr (Martyrs)
- Lyubov [Love, Agape/Agapi] (Children and Youths)
- Macrina the Elder (Holy Mothers)
- Macrina the Nun (Venerable Monastics; Those Who Taught)
- Makrina (Children and Youths)
- Marana (Venerable Monastics)
- Margaret [Marina] (Martyrs; Children and Youths)
- Maria (Holy Mothers)
- Maria (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Maria and Xenophon (Married Saints)
- Maria of Diveyevo (Fools-For-Christ)
- Maria of Paris (Charitable and Merciful)
- Maria Romanov (Holy Royals)
- Maria Xhang (Children and Youths)
- Mariamne (Apostolic Women)
- Marina [Margaret] (Martyrs; Children and Youths)
- Marina Xu (Those Who Taught)
- Martha (Holy Mothers)
- Martha and Marinus (Married Saints)
- Martha of Bethany (Apostolic Women: Holy Myrrhbearers)
- Mary Magdalene (Apostolic Women)
- Mary of Alexandria (Saints Disguised)
- Mary of Bethany (Apostolic Women: Holy Myrrhbearers)
- Mary of Egypt [Maria] (Harlots Who Repented)
- Mary, Theotokos and Ever-Virgin
- Mary, Wife of Clopas (Apostolic Women: Holy Myrrhbearers)
- Matrona (Saints Disguised)
- Matrona Naumovna (Charitable and Merciful; Possibly Saints)
- Matrona of Chios (Venerable Monastics)
- Maura and Timothy (Married Saints)
- Mavra (Children and Youths)
- Menodora (Martyrs)
- Metrodora (Martyrs)
- Militsa (Holy Mothers)
- Miriam (Old Testament Saints)
- Mother of the Nine Kherkheulidze brothers (Holy Mothers)
- Mothers of Atchara (Holy Mothers)
- Mothers of the Klarjeti Wilderness (Holy Mothers)
- Musa of Rome (Children and Youths)
- Muza [Muse] (Children and Youths)
- Myrrhbearers (Apostolic Women)
- Nadezhda [Hope, Elpis] (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Nana (Apostolic Women; Holy Royals)
- Natalia and Adrian (Married Saints)
- Natalya [Natashenka] (Fools-For-Christ)
- Natria (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Naomi (Old Testament Saints)
- Nino [Nina] (Apostolic Women)
- Nonna (Holy Mothers; Married Saints)
- Nymphodora (Martyrs)
- Pansemnas (Harlots Who Repented)
- Paraskeva of Iasi (Venerable Monastics)
- Paraskeva [Paraskevi] of Iconium (Martyrs)
- Pasha [Paraskeva, Praskovya] (Fools-For-Christ)
- Patience [Ipomoni, Hypomone] (Venerable Monastics; Charitable and Merciful)
- Pelagia of China (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Pelagia of Diveyevo (Fools-For-Christ)
- Pelagia of Tarsus (Martyrs)
- Pelagia the Penitent (Harlots Who Repented; Saints Disguised)
- Philippa (Holy Mothers)
- Philonella (Physicians, Nurses, Healers)
- Philothei [Philothea] of Athens (Venerable Monastics; Charitable and Merciful)
- Philothea of Romania (Children and Youths)
- Phoitina (Harlots Who Repented)
- Photini [Photina, Svetlana] (Apostolic Women)
- Piama (Venerable Monastics)
- Pistis [Faith, Vera] (Children and Youths)
- Polyxene [Polyxena] (Apostolic Women)
- Priscilla (Apostolic Women)
- Procla [Claudia] (Holy Royals)
- Pulcheria (Defenders Against Heresy; Holy Royals)
- Salome (Apostolic Women: Holy Myrrhbearers)
- Sarah (Old Testament Saints)
- Sarah of Egypt (Holy Mothers)
- Solomonia (Old Testament Saints)
- Sophia (Holy Mothers)
- Sophia (Fools-For-Christ)
- Sophia (Children and Youths)
- Sophia of Thrace (Charitable and Merciful)
- Sosana [Susan, Susana] (Holy Mothers)
- Susanna (Apostolic Women: Holy Myrrhbearers)
- Susanna [Eleni] (Children and Youths)
- Susanna [Shushanik] (Holy Royals)
- Susannah (Old Testament Saints)
- Svetlana [Photini, Photina] (Apostolic Women)
- Syncletica [Syncletike, Syncletika] (Holy Mothers; Venerable Monastics)
- Tabitha [Dorcas] (Charitable and Merciful)
- Tamara (Holy Royals; Apostolic Women: [honorary] Holy Myrrhbearer)
- Tatiana Grimblit (Martyrs)
- Tatiana of Rome (Note: Those Who Taught; Martyrs)
- Tatiana Romanov (Physicians, Nurses, Healers)
- Thais [Thaisia] (Harlots Who Repented)
- Thaisia (Possibly Saints)
- Thekla (Apostolic Women; Venerable Monastics; Physicians)
- Theodora, Empress (Defenders Against Heresy; Holy Royals)
- Theodora, Empress (Harlots Who Repented; Holy Royals; Married Saints)
- Theodora of Alexandria (Holy Mothers; Saints Disguised)
- Theodora of Arta (Holy Royals)
- Theodora of Sihla (Venerable Monastics)
- Theodora of Vasta (Saints Disguised)
- Theodora the Wonderworker (Venerable Monastics)
- Theodosia of Constantinople (Defenders Against Heresy)
- Theodosia of Tyre (Children and Youths)
- Theodote (Holy Mothers)
- Theodoti (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Theoktiste (Fools-For-Christ)
- Theoktisti (Groups: Children and Youths)
- Theophano (Holy Royals)
- Theopiste (Holy Mothers; Martyrs; Married Saints)
- Theopisti (Venerable Monastics)
- Theosebia [Theosevia] (Right Column: Highlighted Saints)
- Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
- Thomais (Harlots Who Repented--additional; Martyrs)
- Vasilissa (Children and Youths)
- Vera [Faith, Pistis] (Children and Youths)
- Virgin Mary, Ever; Theotokos
- Wisdom [Sophia] (Holy Mothers)
- Zenaida [Zenais, Zenaide] (Physicians, Nurses, Healers)
- Zoe and Hesperus (Married Saints)
- Zoia [Zoe, Zoya] (Harlots Who Repented)